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About Us

Our story. Our Mission. Our Vision.

We at Group1 Clinic are a Canadian-based Online clinic that has developed a tech-based online solution that allows patients and medical professionals to conduct medical consultations in a secure, virtual environment through our Group1 custom-built software. We respond to a growing market need for more convenient and efficient medicine, improving a patient’s ability to be treated on their terms.

Group1 is invested in ensuring the platform can help bring the best practitioners together with the patients that need them. We work with doctors, nurse practitioners, and pharmaceutical representatives. We aim to educate the public to ensure safe and effective methods of prescription are conducted across the globe.

We also have a focus on natural solutions, providing a link between patients, medical professionals, and licensed producers to ensure those needing medical cannabis have efficient access to products. We take pride in providing an alternative to potentially harmful opioids and the side effects that come with them.

Our commitment to our patients goes beyond securing them a prescription, it also extends to providing education and consumption guidance. For cannabis, this includes alerting patients as to whether they already qualify for medical cannabis coverage under their current health plans.